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Sunday, February 5, 1911

Joseph gave us a rather good dinner tonight. Afterward we went over to the Metropole and swapped yarns. There were some good ones going about, but I think I held my end up. 

Arnolt bot a piano a while ago,- was having it tuned today. Some folks can't stand a tuning piano, but I don't mind it at all. In fact, I picked out a longchair and had a snooze in the same room while he was atunin'. On t'other hand, Arnold goes to sleep with the windows banging all around him,- something that drives me nigh bughouse. It's all temperament, wot?

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Monday, February 6, 1911

Alidina sent around a small lot today, so I worked to the extent of sorting it. I hadn't seen any Gendi for almost a year, but Inshallah I made no bull. That south-of-the-lake stuff is easy enough to spot, but the near Congo kind is where one can occasionally slip up.

The day, otherwise, just slid along anyhow. Went to bed and was in that sweet oblivion which only the innocent experience, by 9:30.