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Tuesday, February 21, 1911

Watched the "Dunvegan" come in this morning, and it did me good. Later on we went over to Kilindini and on board. She's some better than the other Castle boats that have come down here, and appears to be pretty comfortable. It rather disturbed me to have the barber say she "rolled like hell." Gosh, I hope we have smooth water, otherwise I'll spew all the way to Durban. The only consolation will be the knowledge that I'm going home, and getting nearer every minute. Friday, the 24th, is getting nearer every minute, too!

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Wednesday, February 22, 1911

The birthday of the Immoral George. Not celebrated in "the colonies." Sababu?

Phillips story about the American who said "very appropriate" was also very apropos on this glad day. 

To the Nyumba Dawa to tea with Miss Marston, after which exciting episode I paid the few ppc calls owing, also my remaining bill. Anyone who gets any more money out of me now will have to extract it with [[strikethrough]] (not legible)[[/strikethrough]] knockout-drops and a cold chisel.

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