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Friday, March 17, 1911

15th (continued)

Mountain. It is reputed to be one of the finest drives in the world. I believe, after doing it, one must admit it. Along the Victoria Road, which winds on the side of the hills [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] just above the sea, the surf and marine views are just magnificent. The the road goes over the neck and down into Houts Bay,- an old Dutch fishing village, with the old [[strikethrough]] farms?? [[/strikethrough]] houses still standing,- from there we went under the shadow of the Twelve Apostles over into the Constantia valley, and that view over the woods and vineyards is one of the most charming one can imagine. We wound down and through

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Saturday, March 18, 1911

15th (continued)

avenues of huge pines and woods of silver-trees, to Wynberg. We saw, coming down over the bek which separates Hout's Bay from the valley, the Cape of Good Hope in the distance. Through Wynberg, pretty all the way, then through Rondebosch, where I caught another glimpse of Groote Schuur, and so to town. I couldn't describe one-tenth of the beauty of that ride if I sat down with a stack of dictionaries alongside of me and made an all-day job of it. Next time I do the drive,- and I hope some day to visit Capetown again,- I want to do it in a Cape cart,