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Friday, March 31, 1911


by a boy with a pole. The same Spanish peasants and general fixin's, as at the Canaries. But Madeira and Funchal itself, [[strikethrough]] even) [[/strikethrough]] is quaint and pretty, and expensive. It is a goodly island, and well favored,- all but the cholera, which is enough to frighten anyone for the time being. 


Our bad weather left us on losing sight of the islands. We made Finisterre in due course, and after a smooth passage across the dreaded Bay, sighted Ushant this morning (31st), and the dim coast of Devon just before six. Loafing in the channel until tomorrow morning. 

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Saturday, April 1, 1911

Well done, "Norman"! She landed us safe after our 7000 miles on board, feeling fit, and after a most enjoyable voyage. Left on the boat train, and made Waterloo at ten or thereabouts.

Colder'n hell. I left my luggage at the Grand, went over to the office and drew some money. An overcoat and some thick underclothing and sox immediately, which I lost no time in getting into.

I saw a damfine show at the Palace in the evening, and one of the worst turns was Maud Allan. Damned if I see where she's anything so extry graceful. She hopped and gambolled around the stage in a yard of chiffon and a  

Transcription Notes:
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