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He laughed and talked all through dinner, which he stayed to, yet he looked serious. That is his eyes did.

I went to bed almost directly after dinner. My bed was by the side of the window so I had only to raise the blind and I could see all that was passing outside. But it was a very dark night so that only the dark outlines of the trees against the sky could be seen. Once in a while a lonely light was to be seen, and then again

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everything was dark. I thought and thought while gazing at these things, but my heart and thoughts always went back to the same thing without my at all wanting to. It was the voyage, that voyage over a year ago. All my thoughts were on that one thing. 

The next morning the train had not stopped, and the air was becoming quite foggy. (Bar Harbor air I suppose.) We had a delicious breakfast at eight. Mr Jones also fortaking of it it. He was about