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after the recent rain, next the curve ran along the ocean and the sight of the waves breaking on the rocks was beautiful. Their ocean drive is very different from ours, for it runs right by the ocean all the way, and part of the way the drive is very high and rock almost perpendicular are between you and the sea. After several miles on the ocean drive you leave it to get into the midst of mountains. The drive through the Gorge as it is called, is perhaps the 

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finest part of the drive, (although I prefere the ocean part.) You drive along with a high mountain on each side, and the sky above your head. It is impossible to tell how beautiful it really is.

I climbed about on the rocks when I got home, and Uncle George showed me the beauties of his place. For the first time I could really see the view and house well, and as I sat on the walk which runs around the terrace I have seldom seen anything so