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morning and find the car stationary on the station at Boston. After breakfast we took a carriage o Boston, and drove to the toy store, to buy something for baby; and then to the tram for Newport which left at once. 
The omnibus met us at the station, and I am sure I felt as we drove home as though I have been away from Newport for years.
Sybil drone with me Saturday afternoon, and we discussed some tableaux the 
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girls were going to have at Evelyn Bursun's Tuesday evening. They wanted me to be in them, and I went home to ask Mama full of hope. But it was soon utterly crushed my Mama's decidely refusing. I was dreadfully disappointed, and could have cried, but have to content myself with being able to go [[strikethrough]] at all [[/strikethrough]]  
Sunday Sybil came early in the afternoon, and we went over to the cottage to have a talk about the tableaux,