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beg Evelyn, and tell her how much we all care " I said "she would do it".
"But she won't" began Edith "we have already begged & begged her, but she said she would rather die than be a tableau"

"How funny she should dislike it so.  I would be only too glad to be in there but Mama won't let me."  I said 
There was a moments silence and then we talked a little more about it, but everything looks discouraging
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so Sybil and I walked back to the house in a sad state of mind.

"I will make Evelyn have it" I cried angryly "she shall not be so selfish."  And Sybil agreed.

We met Fraulein and started on our walk with the hope that we could meet Evelyn, so as to give her a piece of our minds.  This we did very soon.  How we gave it to her.  We made her walk with us, we forced her to give us her reasons for not wanting to