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September 28th, 1890.  Sunday

Monday morning I received first Evelyn's letter saying she could not have the tableaux and next a card from her saying she would. I was happy.

The much desired Tuesday came and I unfortunately missed the three first tableaux which were Alice Blight as Coquette in a light blue dress covered with black lace. 
Beatrice Bench as Marguerite

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in Faust, and Bessie Dellafield as an Egyptian.

The room was quite full when I arrived, and I began to feel a tiny bit glad I was not to be in them. The first one I saw was Sybil as a Spanish Lady. She had a yellow satin dress trimmed with black lace. A high pin a rose, and a long veil in her hair made her look lovely. Then came Marie Winthrop as a De'butante all in white with an opera cloak half over her shoulder. She looked