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better than I have ever seen her.  Then came Evelyn as Autumn.  She had flowers and fruits all about her, making a very pretty picture.  We clapped her most naturally.  I think Emma came after her as the Flower Girl.  She had a light blue dress trimmed with black velvet, and a tray with flowers on hung around her neck.  Next was Mable Stevens in an enormous cape, apron, mittens and sash  She was sweet

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Edith Blight appeared after Mable dressed in an empire dress.  She was one of the prettiest. 

Edith Dresser followed as a gypsy.  I have never seen her look so well.

Then came Alice Blight again, this time as night.  She was really very nearly perfect all dressed in black with a diamond in her hair.  Her position was the best of it.  The last was Beatrice Bench as Joan of Arche.  She was fastened to a stake under her