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long light hair fell over her shoulders. Her hands were crossed in front of her, and red lights were set off which not only made it look as though she was really burning, but gave a reddish tinge to the whole which was beautiful.

After having ice cream and cake we went into the ball room which had been cleared and there danced and played other games. There were nothing but girls and we had as Emily King expressed it "a 

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regular girls romp".

Even after it was all over I could not help feeling sorry that I had not been in the tableaux, but we all have trials large or small to put up with and this seemed one of mine. 

The rest of the week passed with nothing especial.

Sunday Sybil and I walked together and met Evelyn Barden, Marie Winthrop and Edith Blight. Sybil proposed sitting on the rocks which we did. And played "truth". I had not played it for so