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Sunday came and Daisy Post wrote me a note wanting to know if Alfred and I would walk with Willie and her. Sybil was coming too so I thought we would all walk together; but Alfred was in bed [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] a headache so Willie stayed with him, and we girls walked alone. We stopped for Willie on our way home and as Sybil was talking to Willie, Daisy whispered in my ear "Willie likes you 

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much better than Sybil" I said "Really" "Yes, but if Willie knew what I had told you he would be furious".

Willie hears this ^[[last sentence]] and said he would give it to Daisy. She also said afterwards that he liked me best of the older girls. I was naturally very much pleased, in fact delighted.

Mama said to Regi after supper when we had been talking about the Bible "And do you know what