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informed me, I had [[double underlined]] very [[/double underlined]] good hand, and a great deal of nerve for driving and riding, and was quite competent to manage a horse for riding.  He seemed to trust me.  Nothing I like better than compliments on my riding and driving.  Sybil said I can drive well too, and as for Fraulein, she will trust me anywhere. 

Willie and Arthur came to the lecture Saturday, and Alfred and they

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giggled all through it.  I was so ashamed but had all I could do part of the time to keep a strait face.  It must have been awfully hard for Mr Langley, and he took it all so nicely, and looked like a -- (no matter)

Sunday I went to church as usual, but just as the sermon was about to begin, I felt so dreadfully queer that I could hardly keep my head up.  A cold presperation passed over me, and