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Get elevation of Hotel Posada

June 19. [[Lo. Grest. Utz?]]  6:55 AM-

1) Altitude - 1510 M. ([Univdex Valk?])

2) 83 [[wavy vertical line]] Km. 350 Meters alt.
2nd Stage- Cactus, Acacia- great pasture-
Termites: Amitherme (?)- under a stone
    anoplotermes  - in soil beside & under a HARD-WOOD stump
 Beetles: Under bark of cactus and under large stones

Stop 3 - Store
   Heterotermes & coptotermes logs M. store MSG

Stop 4 - Pines -[[strikethrough]]Abjtot[[/strikethrough]] Microceroterme
Amiterme  [[with symbol]] [[alates?]], etc.
Altitude -     [[??]]
Stop 5 - 1,405 M - Liquidamber Pine assoc. 1 tenel 

Stop 5 - 1405 M. -Liquidambey
Pine assoc. 1 level from [[circled]]MO[[/circled]] down rotten log - in large  [[?]]