Viewing page 20 of 46

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7-- Camp Jaguar - D type
GT86-7- Rhinotermitid from dead branch on live tree deep in forest: many runway, on tree, prob. another termi
Prob. [[underlined]] Heterotermis [[/underlined]]
GT86-8-Desmond Williamson call [[?]] a dead stump - Rhinotermitid 

GT86-9- D. Williamson - Coptotermes?
dead stump
Soldiers slow to release glue; fought ant, released glue after contact - Repelled
GT86-10 Small xanthen nest in tree trunk. D. W. [[underlined]] Microcerotermes [[/underlined]] sp.

GT86-11- dead branch by live tree
Rhinotermitid  - MC.
GT86-12-Yellow-headed nasute - in rotten tree - D. W. call.
GT8613a- Coptotermes sp. - prob. invades into bags on table
-13b- Subulitermes sp. (?) - probably built earth/ carton nest heavily infiltrated with roots -
13c - [[?]] sp. - same nest also a few small ants

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CR - 1 Oct. 28, 1985 - Start 11:45 AM

Floodplain Termite sample: 1 colony is several?

5 2/ 2/ [[2 female signs]] from large nest opposite Lodge Bar mixed with Termites from Plot 2, Flood Plain - tree #253 - colony 1

1) Hostile & Agressive behavior shown between the two samples
[[therefore sign]] The Flood Plain Termite can show agressive responses

2) #253 + 242 = No Fighting
Group + 258 = " "
+ Colony 2 - No Fighting
[[therefore sign]] All samples from the Flodplplain Plot 2 came from the single large nest on tree #