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20 - 21 Carlos F-8
22 - 23 Lorenz @ F 2.8
24 - 25 Jim @ F2.8/F8
26 Jim @ F8

22 May 84
27 - 32 In viveiro
infants eating 
new fruit on platform
near trap. (28mm)
with flash @ F5.6/8
23 May 84
33 - 35 - wide angle
Sampling tree diameters & heights
JD & Dionisio
w/flash at F4->8

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[[encircled]] #2 [[/encircled]] 
Kodach.64- Vivitar small camera
20 V 84
#1 - 3 at Ben's camp viveiro

4 - 7 Jim B' Party with flash

21 V 84
8 - 11 Elpides building viveiro
Jim & Ben with Ben car

22 V 84 putting up viveiro
early morning - for
12 - 15  building

16 - House (23 V 84)

-23 Coimbra B day Party
-36 CPRJ Quarantine