Viewing page 24 of 50

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[encircled]] 1 [[/encircled]]rent-a-car
[[encircled]] 2 [[/encircled]] sleep in Casimiro
[[encircled]] 3 [[/encircled]] Course ongoing completely in Portuguese - only English by Laurenz
[[encircled]] 4 [[/encircled]] Logistically complex

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Notes for cage Beveling
Jim re: 23 July  PTO [[arrow]]
[[checkmark]] [[encircled]] 1 [[/encircled]] 1 Maps - need
[[checkmark]] [[encircled]] 2 [[/encircled]] Overnight - Jessie & Dbh

[[encircled]] 3 [[/encircled]] Post-release feed. what, how much, where [[/boxed]]

[[encircled]] 4 [[/encircled]] IBDF people
[[encircled]] 5 [[/encircled]] Russ & Coimbra
Lisa Forman response
Claus Meyer
WWF donor to Poço ->
Don Jackson ->

[[encircled]] 6 [[/encircled]] Processing ? Wichita
take nb as early as 5:30 PM.

Transcription Notes:
[[notebook being used in upside down, from other end; both pages are in same hand]] [[left-hand page once upside down]]