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Ruth: lace
Robert: hangings

Butterscotch [[hand-drawn icon, rather like a V with a dark circle over endpoint]]  RT  Th.

Lancelot  [[hand-drawn icon, like a V with a rounded endpoint and a dark circle at the top opening of the V]] [[square marked around word, underlined]]collar[[/]]

Venus  [[hand-drawn icon, like a V with a rounded endpoint and a dark circle about half way up from point]] [[square marked around word, underlined]]collar[[/]]

Hera [[hand-drawn icon, like a V, fully darkened top to bottom]]

Prometheus [[hand-drawn icon, like a V, fully darkened from endpoint to about half way up the V shape]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Hotel Fazenda
notes in field


Maria  [[hand-drawn icon, like a V, darkened band about 1/3 and 2/3 way up shape]] [[circle around word]]collar[[/]]

Juan 1 [[?may be L]]  [[hand-drawn icon, like a V, fully open]] stub

Pepe  [[hand-drawn icon, like a V, darkened top 1/2]] [[circle around word]]collar[[/]]

Jackie  [[hand-drawn icon, like a V, darkened top 1/2]]