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Jessie cooks Kung Pao chicken
Everyone else at wedding

28 July

0700 NO group work w/ Ben; then Ben & Ines at NO.
Butterscotch looks hungry, thirsty, locomotes poorly

Dietz comes in @2 PM 
Jessie & I return to PdA w/ Dietz; Carlos, Xixanha Edman & Eliane

Pass [[baptrom?]] in Silva Jardin

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29 July 85 [[underlined]]Mond[[/underlined]]
Take Jessee out

See [[underlined]]Cavia aperea[[/underlined]]
near railroad

30 July out in field 1/2 W. ch 1/2 N.O.

Butterscotch probably aborted.
Bad cond. 30 July
Better movement etc.
31 July also 
courting soliciting
follow Prometheus 
her son.