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[[?]]Saturninho[[/]] 8/7
Group size 11,12,2
average 8
Have released several
Has one in captivity
destined to go to Carmen Alonzo - Young[[female icon]] w rickets
Fewer available to be confiscated than previously.
Have 2 other primates
[[scribbled out]]Cebas[[/]]
a white monkey - maybe [[underlined]] Cebus xanthosternus[[/]]
have [[?]]maned[[/]] sloth & 2 other sloth species

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[[2 long diagonal lines "negate" text on page]]
would cost $111,000 to remove 80% of squatters.
They have $50,000 for removal.  There is $45,000 in Brasilia from WWF Intern. [[scribbled out]]for what[[/]] whose purpose is unclear.

Entry road of asphalt is 4 km, to be improved by CEPLOC, cacao ppl.

Have house w/ 3 bedrooms & kitchen & office.
Running H2O, drinkable, 4km from entry to headquarters.