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X-14942 (long slit)  reduced to l+m+n=85
Mu phi 1348  m=8.45
#4 H.D. 155494   85  A0

[[6 column table]]
a|-|- |- |   |   |   |
b|   |12|87|   |12|
c|   |18|87|   |18|
d|   |22|87|   |22|
e|   |23|87|   |23|
f|   |23|87|   |24|
g|   |22|87|   |22|
h|   |22|86|   |22|
i|   |20|86|   |20|
j|   |15|85|   |15|
k|-|-|-|   |   | 
l|   |   |   |   |   |

[[9column table]]
|beta|0|6|87|0|6|   |   |   |
|delta|2|20|86}2|20|   |   |   |
|epsilon|0|7|85|0|7|   |   |   |
|Kappa|3|8|85|3|8|   |   |   |
|12|0|3|85|0|3|   |   |   |

[[2 column table]]

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System