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Solutions to admin.
[[Cris?]] — 1) AB back in
april – returns thru
July 2) telephone Milton
and Celio
for names + addresses of
best students. Jim +
Andy interview in Feb/Mar,
a) need non - S. J. person to
replace Cibele; perhaps
2 (eg. [[Ines?]] + [[Zigie?]])
b) need student continue 
with GTL studies, 
another problem – [[image - blue diagonal line reaching the other page]]
ask Andy,
c) need to replace Beth
d) need admin. to 
replace [[Larieng?]] -
perhaps one from

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

2 NOV 1987 –
11 NOV 87
development + play
behav ecol. tree use / phenology

Can Coimbra give us
wild [[image - male gender symbol]] to put w/
[[image - female gender symbol]] + offspring,
Provide space.
Help distribute GLTs
to Brazilian Zoos.