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[[start page]]
11^oo hrs       T 1-4 #1
  Lincoln:      T 2-3 #2
                T 4   #4
                T 0   #5
     T 1-4 gets egg (#1)
     FS w/ T4.      (#4)
     "No mark" @ eggs.  #5

[[female symbol]] L #2 takes banana
                    #5 att. F steal
                    #2 resists several times.
                    #5 -> [[Papanga?]]
                    #1[[+sicks?]] numerous times.

11^36 #5 on feeder
      #34 FS 1/2 banana #1
      #5 [[mime?]] on feeder
      #35 + steals banana from #1
      Lincoln group

[[end page]]