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09^35 - [[male symbol]]^#2, gscr a lot.
[[female symbol]] #1 gscr, sniff,
has back to [[male symbol]]
Then AW
[[male symbol]]^# 2, gscr mucho
#2 stays near nb
#1 appr #2 and +
#2 doesn't follow. #3[[male symbol]]
appr #1. [[female symbol]]1 agl [[male symbol]]3
[[female symbol]]1 appr [[male symbol]]2 snf.
[[male symbol]]3 " " 2 " .
[[male symbol]] 2 clearly [[?]] comfortable.
#2 gscr.
0950- All animals enter box
0957 All animals in box
Initated by #5 who
moved in + out of
box rasping + chirping