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Eventually whole group entered.

10^11 Grupo still in box
Counter #466
1036 Still in box + quiet
^Cibele replacement not from Silva Jardim.
1 need admin.
2. " 2- Cibele replacement
3. " [[snamual?]] person
to work with Jody S.

1044 still in box but more actie.
1047 #3 + 5 emerge from box. #5 goes back in

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[[start page]]

1100 hrs #3 back into box with group.

1105 #3 + box.
  #1 + "

1107 #5  box : #1 [[agl?]] #5

1114 - Only #1 out of box
  Others in + lots of noise from scuffling

1115 #2 emerges from box to top of box.

1117 [[Irus?]] moves [[strikethrough]] box [[/strikethrough]] feeder closer to box.

1119 #2 sol. gr. from #1. 
  #1 agl #2 near wound on neck,

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