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11^22 #1 [[contin?]] age #2
#2 [[male symbol]] doing lots of [[gscr??]] + picking of right inner thigh
[[strikethrough]]near[[/strikethrough]] @ 2-3 inches from genitals.*
Gscr almost continuously
11^27 #2 has solicited [[agl?]] from #1 twice more. She [[agl]] for a second or two, Then leaves.
11^28 She returns to box.

*This may be back of thigh near tail base where other wound is.
[[end page]] [[start page]]

[[male symbol]] seems a bit unsteady because of discomfort. He sol. gr. again from #1.
[Genital rub may relieve discomfort; itch from tail base].
11^32 all animals + box
11^34 No vocs.
11^36 Sevl animals back in box. #2-> box. #5 [[strikethrough]][[forgotten?]][[/strikethrough]] in a brom. #2 + box. #3 in tree near H20.