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11^47 #3,4,5 out of box. #1 + #2 stil in + around box.
11^52 #2 + box - Sol.[[agl?]] from #1.
11^54 #1 + box -. Only #2 remains.
11^55 #1 -> box. #1, 2 + box; #2 sol agl.#1 agl briefly. #5 -> box.
11^57 #2 +1 out #2 sol agl - yes. #1 agl, # +
11^59 #1/2 emerge #2 sol agl. [[end page]]
[[start page]] A7 1 agl briefly.
12^01 All + box excdept #5.
12^18 J1 LC twice when group is about 15m from box.
12^25: J1 LC again 2x [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] when group is @ 10 m away.
-> 12^37 group foraging near /on grnd.
Fed on bananas
I record some food chirps ->
Counter #525.