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12^39 Grp at or near grd. foraging in leaf litter..
13^07 Finish w/ Tape at counter # 530.
Return to House -
@ 1430.
Collapse & barely move.
Later Cibele finds out That Paulo failed to tell her that Riverbanks had bees in Their [[nb?]]
We decide to go back to see where They [[end page]]
[[start page]] sleep. Cibele, Michael I go + discover That The battery on The receiver is dead. Lewis had left it on. 
Before This Laurenz returns: we briefly talk @ admin. He recommends FBCN + universities when looking for administrator. Suggests That IBDF staff make @ $6,000/ yr.
Mtg w/Laurenz
re: Jaine et al
-> fair.
Process [[female symbol]] with broken leg