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-> end Counter # 288,
10 17 2 LC
Inf. rasp. w/ T4
10 20 LC followed
by answering trill.
10 38 Animals feeding /
resting - chirps;
-> #349
10 40 Animals quiet + resting.
10 42. T2 carrying Inf.
T2 + 4 agl "[[ditto for Inf.]].[[end page]]
[[start page]] 10 45- Still resting + quiet
6 animals in one tree
3 " " [[dittos for animals in]] another " [[ditto for tree]]
10 57 R -
11 00 Break up of nest.
Begin to move.
11 05 Counter #448
Animals in fruit tree.
11 09 Counter # 462
Then infant rasps +
11 17 #521
Feeding chirps
inf rasps,
Some [[ruiroman?]]
Lots of movement.