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This each adult [[male symbol]] had an infant & [[female symbol]] approached each [[male symbol]] & removed yng. Then nursing & quiet. 

[[female symbol]] was eating & fd. chirp. before nursing. Yearling was rasping when Inf rasp just before [[female symbol]] took Infs.

0814 LC ?
0815 " [[ditto for: LC]] ?

End tape
@ Ctr #700

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


Tape 87-5A 0820 AM
Ctr zeroed.
[[female symbol]] nursing.
T1 taking infants.

0829 [[arrow to right]] #100
Inf rasps/
Yearling play whines
[[female symbol]] chirp

[[arrow to right]] 0850 [[arrow to right]] #330
[[female symbol]] T2 food chirps
several LCs

[[arrow to above paragraph]]
There had been some response from another group in the distance

Rain starts.