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[[arrow to right]] 0947 [[arrow up to right]] #593 LC1 moving, now foraging. 
Food chirps.
0957 Lots of food chirps.
1 LC
10" [[arrow to right]] ctr #684
Inf rasps
"V" calls
T4 [[male symbol]]
T4 2"v" calls NR
1015 moving
V" call
1016 " " [[dittos for: V" call]]
" " [[dittos for: V" call]]
[[vertical line to right of last three lines]] T4

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

"v" call T4
" " " [[dittos for: "v" call T4]]

1025 [[arrow to right]] end tape 87-5A
Recorded T4 with Inf. alarm chirp/trill. 
Attempted to record "v" call.
87-5B 1029 AM
ctr zeroed
1040 moving thru low stature impenetrable shit!
Animals quiet.