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10th Day   356 Days to come
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A Beautiful day  Its chilly tho, Homer here awhile in the A.M. Would like to get my hair washed but am afraid to do it myself and have no appointment We finally got the refund of Gwynns Bus ticket to Detroit:[^] $6.44 [^] tendered a blanket bag for my new blanket. $2.79  I went in town with Dad and we got the groceries and got the car greased & oiled a new filter. $7.12 labor & all.

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11th Day   Alexander Hamilton, Born 1757--1st Sunday after Epiphany   355 Days to come 
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Well we got up late But the kids went to SS. I had dinner ready early I thought but it was 1:00 when we left.  We arrived over there and they had no room for Bertha but they told her where to go So she got a room there. 4939 Mt. High (??) % G. Bleimes, Col. A.  We arrived home around 6:00  I surely hope she is improved when she gets back. I think she will. The Kids went to the show "My Wild Irish Rose".

Billy brought 10.00 & 5 = $15.00

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