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102nd Day   2nd Sunday after Easer   264 Days to come

Raining got up late of course. We are not going to S.S We went to church via radio. Wish we had our cistern done so we would have rain water. It has poured about all day. Wonder if it is starting in like it did last year. Took Peg & Dick in to see. Scudda Hoo Scuddu. Hey it was very good but it surely poured rain  Our wall around the cistern caved in.
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103rd Day   263 Days to come

The sun is shining so I am going to wash. Have lots to do this week. Want to clean some more. It rained so had to bring the clothes in. Left rings on the linen now I am going to wash dishes in the china closet. I got them finished but did not get the silver cleaned. Harner came in the evening and stayed until 11.00 Had a nice visit.