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134th Day    232 Days to come

Still rainy. Cool. Also must do some shopping today. Want to bake some. Our club is tonight. Went in town got a dress. Also got a compact for Frankie. Went to club. I wish I as not Pres. There were 12 members there last night. I get so bothered my mind went blank and I could not even start the 23rd psalm.

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135th Day 231 Days to come

Did up the work then cleaned up 3 dresses. My 2 piece, my grey and blue nail nob. Washed Pegs blouse, was busy most of the day. Olive asked me to go to Springfield but I did not have supper over so did not go. Kids went to ballgame. Dad & I listened to the radio. Mrs. Fowler finished the plumbing as far as he could go.