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312th Day  24th Sunday after Trinity  54 Days to come

Worked The kids went to SS at 7 Wares came a little earlier than I expected. I had chicken, gravy, mashed potatos, sweet Potatoes green beans apple sauce green peas, vegetable plate, Jello Cake and Coffee. Then Margaret W and I went in to the concert at Church of Christ It was very good Came home and had sandwiches cottage cheese, relish plate, cake, Ice cream with strawberries coffee. They left around 8.30 I guess.

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313th Day  53 Days to come

Clarence picking corn I went out and unloaded two loads Then Gwynn came out So I came home. Did not do a whole lot but got supper cooked dry beans but they could have been a little more tender filled a pie crust and had wilted lettuce Then Clarence Peg, Dick & I went to the show Julia misbehaves  It was very good.

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