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Turned on the other tank.

34th Day   331 Days to come

Had to bake a cake for Margaret. They were giving a party for the Boys for winning Junior tournament. I waited for her so she could come home with me. They had a nice little party. Only they kept my cake for themselves and only served the boys Mrs. Kueuzles dark cake. Took Dick in for his lesson. Then hurried to minstrel. It went over better than last night and we had a bigger crowd. Had over 410. Fine I think. We are to give it at Belle Center next week.

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35th Day   330 Days to come

I went back to bed and did not get up until about 11. I thought it was 10. Ha. Decided to take the kids to football game. I went to Florences for supper. Then went to Bingo. Won $1.50.