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136th Day  229 Days to come

Rainy So don't believe I'll wash. Guess I will paint the woodwork upstairs. Too wet to work in garden. Have no material to sew. Have to go in town and pay telephone. And Parks Klay came also paid for the Bel-gas. Paid $21.50 on the gasoline bill. Had our Committee meeting at Jamisons.

Shirley, Ruth Devine and I. We asked Pim Pennock King to sing. Reba to give a musical reading and Jocele Burhart to play her violin. Also Alice Jean Williams to play her accordian. None refused altho we did not get to talk with Alice J.

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137th Day  228 Days to come

Am Washing. Its a pretty day so they will dry nicely I hope. They did. It looked rainy but did not. I baked some cup cakes and made meatloaf and Potato salad for supper. Was just ready to wash my hair when Mabel called and said Bob Lovett was very ill at Elmer Millers and there were no cars to take him to Dr and asked if I would so went right down and Gorden Bobby and I took him to Dr Firmins he was not there so started to bring him home I asked if they wanted to go to B for a Dr and Bobby said to take him to Dr Amstutz. He was not in so took him to Dr Webster we came back and told Rosa. Dr F. came there while we were there. I guess the pain left him while he was at Dr Websters. We Dad and I went to West Liberty to Rushylvania exchange program nice time.