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154th Day  211 Days to come

Will finish Luthers this a.m. we did late noon came home had dinner was going in town and Homer & Dora drove in So we made arrangements for them to come tomorrow Mother and I went in and paid our interests. Then I went to a committee meeting at Home & Community we stopped at Florences awhile. Came home. Olive and I went to Bingo we split on the 5th card. for double bingo $5.00-2.50 each

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155th Day  210 Days to come

went over the house a little and planned dinner and supper but Homer and Dora started home too early for supper. Florence chas & Eddie came out anyway we had Potato salad, baked beans, meatloaf, potato chips, celery, jello cake & coffee. Homer came out but he had had his supper. Then Clarence and I went to Joes for the card party. Had a nice time. I have the next one. I helped Bertha with dishes after the rest had gone home.