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236th Day   St. Bartholomew   129 Days to come

Pretty day. Will have to go in town for mother. will have to bale this P.M. Making soup. Baled in P.M. 350 bales at Smiths we still have 4 1/2 rounds to do tomorrow Harner here until 11.00.

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237th Day   128 Days to come

got up early and took Mother to Col. we were in the clinic lobby at 5 min. of nine. She was supposed to have an appointment but they did check on her The Dr. thought they should operate to correct the hernia. I can't feel they will find anything else wrong. But we should know anyway. She did not like to stay when the Dr told her But she decided to stay. I did hate to leave her but I had to. I know the feeling she had. You feel plenty low when you undress to go to bed in a Hospital.. Hope she does not worry too much.