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262nd Day  103 Days to come

We decided to go try and find some peaches. I had read in Fulton Co They were selling for $1 a bu But we could not find any. They were 250 for choice. We did get 1 bu of very ripe one for $1.25 but the rest for $2 1/2. They are very good flavored tho. Canned 8 qts. Gwynn went to Detroit after a car for Beattys He did not get home until 11:30

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263rd Day  102 Days to come

Pretty day worked at peaches canned 13 qts including 1 qt of butter We baled 108 bales in P.M. We went in town to take mother to Dr. She is fine and Dr left the bandage off. Clarence took 6 qts of peaches to the locker. Went to Grange the 4H had their program. It was very nice. There were several there. Had a nice little visit with Wilma [[Barker?]]