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328th Day  Thanksgiving  37 Days to come
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Hurried around baked 3 pumpkin pies and a cake. Also fixed an apple salad to take to the dinner Florence had a lovely dinner chicken, dressing Potatoes Oyster dressing Peas Reba took sweet potatoes & Pie. We had a very nice day. Then came home to see about things. we did not come until 11.

Mary fresh with heifer calf.

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329th Day  26 Days to come
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Did not do a whole lot. Mother went down to Jake & Anise Gwynn took her Then Peg Dick & I went in town. Got Dick a pr. of shoes came home late. Olive and I went to K of C I won a straight but had to split 2 ways got $1.00 and split with Olive Then she won a $10. coverall and split it with me So we each got 5.00 She was more lucky than I but I have split 10 with her before