Viewing page 192 of 204

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Date | Item | Rec'd | Paid  | Bal.

Mar 1st Check 47 18
Milk 5 99
Mar 8 Check 46.49
Mar 15 Check 5102
Milk   745
Rent.   30 00
Mar 22. Ck. 5701 $20.50 [[arrow]] (Auto
                            2     (Tags
" [[ditto for: Mar]] 29 " [[ditto for: Ck.]] 40 68

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[[start page]]

Date | Item | Rec'd | Paid  | Bal.

Paid $17.80 to Jankins.
Paid $10.00 on Locker Rent
Paid Bill J. $25.00 on Tele-Set
Paid Wolfeims 4 95
Paid Florence paying for chair 2.00
Ins. 3 46
Paid P's Ins 10.33
Paid Beatty 7.24
" [[ditto for: Paid]] telephone 
got a hat & End Curl 5.00
got gas. $9.75
Had Dr Beneger for Red $2.50
Paid Light bill 
Sweeper Repair  5 21
Paid Mother   6 30