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[[preprinted]] 1951
334th Day  St. Andrew, Apostle  31 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Another pretty and warm day. Had a call from Mrs Maddex telling of Lawrence Stafford's death at Lima. Surely too bad. Mabel will be alone now. Sent a package of Salami, 385 Velveeta Cheese $1.05 Shrimps (2 cans) Rye bread, a small Christmas tree with some ornaments.

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[[preprinted]] 1951
335th Day  30 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Our club market and a bazaar. We sold all our food but not the fancy works. I took 2 apple pies and candy. I also took a big apple pie to Kitchens. We went in in the evening. We went to the farm. We finally settled for the corn. We settled with David for the baling of hay and straw. All we owe him is for fertilizer & wheat.  
Gave Bobby Lovett & wife 1 pr of pillow cases & (2) hot pa[[guess]]
Betty Tucker & Husband (2) towels

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Paid Kinnan $30.
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A REMINDER - Have you ordered your Diary for next year?  See number in front of book. 