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[[preprinted]] 1951
354th Day  11 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

More snow and rain sleet.  No more school until after January 1st.  Would like to go in town since Dad did not go to work.  The snow plow went thru.  He went at noon.  We went in town in the evening.  It rained all evening.

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[[preprinted]] 1951
355th Day  Pilgrims Landed Plymouth Rock 1620 - St. Thomas  10 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

It thawed a lot but it steadily grew colder.  I went with Olive to buy and take things to Leila Means for the Christmas dinner.  Did not hear from Gwynn.  The gas man came today.  Paid the bill and got 50 gal more.  It is around zero tonight.  Tomorrow is the last time Dad will work until Wed.  Thank goodness.  I fell down this A.M. so did Dad.