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[[preprinted]] 1951
360th Day  Washington Crossed Delaware 1776 - St. Stephen  5 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Another icy day around here.  It may not be bad everywhere else.  We we had a long lonesome day yesterday.  No one came.  We had a lovely dinner if I do say.

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[[preprinted]] 1951
361st Day  St. John, Evangelist  4 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Took Dad to work on a crisp frosty A.M.  We went in town after 11.  Paid Light Bill.  Sent out Ins for the farm.  Also Dad's Ins.  Sent out House of Stuart also.  Peg got coat & gloves.  We called on Aunt Nettie and Mabel awhile.  Went after Dad then went to BB game.  8th grade lost but Varsity beat by more points.