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[[preprinted]] 1951
362nd Day  Holy Innocents  3 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Still cold.  Did the chores and layed down.  Harold J stayed all night with Dick.  Barbara wanted Peg to go to the game with her so I took her in.  Went to see Hattie.  Went to K of C.  Jack Stevens stayed all night with Dick.

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[[preprinted]] 1951
363rd Day  2 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

It is warmer and melting a little.  The fire got down but it is not too cold.  Fred Graham is bringing a car out for us to see.  It is a De Sota but it is very nice.  We may deal for it.  We may not.  We started to play a game of Finance but it got boring and Dad & Peg each went to bed.  Then I went.  Dick watched wrestling.