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Date | Item | Rec'd | Paid | Bal.
Meddles Wire     29.00  14.00 due  PD Oct 26th
Coover Baling    51.80 PD
Auto Ins         20.75 Pd
" " [[dittos for: Auto Ins]] 6. PD
Gwynns " [[ditto for: Ins]]  12.11 Pd
Tangers.  [[strikethrough]] 281 [[/strikethrough]] Pd $10.00 18 due Pd $20.00 Oct.
Belgas [[/strikethrough]] 1991 [[/strikethrough]] 9.91 [[strikethrough]] due [[/strikethrough]] Pd Oct 3
Taxes  42.00 PD
Kinnans [[strikethrough]] 83.65 [[/strikethrough]] 50 46.15 + + + 
Walko  30.00 Pd Oct 4
Smuckers 12 + Around $ 13
Coover for baling Straw & 2nd Hay pd Dec 1.

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Date | Item | Rec'd | Paid | Bal.