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Sunday, January 6, 1952
6th Day—360 Days to Follow

Intended going to SS but the roads are bad and I was afraid of the hill. So will not do much today. Only get dinner and listen to Radio and watch T.V. Kids went sliding. Sue was here awhile we are going in to Lelands. This is her birthday. The boys won 3 out 4 Darn it.

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Monday, January 7, 1952
7th Day—359 Days to Follow

A rather nice day 'I think' I will wash. As I would like, to go to Karl & Mildreds sale tomorrow. Went after the mail got 4 letters 2 from Gwynn 1 from Uncle Frank and 1 from Helen Dickinson Detrick. Did not go to the Stanley Bingo party. I was afraid to drive. Kids went sliding again.