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Thursday, January 10, 1952
10th Day—356 Days to Follow

Did the chores. Am going in town some time today. Went in town in the a.m. Paid Mr Desher $8.67 for Dad's auto Ins. Got Gwynn stationary & envelopes and 2 lbs Salami & a loaf of Rye bread. Sent it airmail it cost $4.00 the material $2.65 + .55. This runs me a little short but I am glad to do it. Club tonight at Mabel Sines. We had a nice time no squabbles.

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Friday, January 11, 1952
11th Day—355 Days to Follow

Have pottered around Done lots of extra things that don't show. Dick went with Olive to get a haircut. Peg is getting off early to go to the game. They had hard playing but won both games.