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Tuesday, January 22, 1952
222nd Day—344 Days to Follow

Rainy. Took care of things then went in town about noon. Mailed Gwynns letter and the auto Ins $20.75  Also Paid Wolfeim $31.59. Deposited $40.00 for Gwynn. Got Peg a skirt and blouse. Called on Aunt Nettie and Mabel.  Also stopped at Florences a minute. They are O.K. went to Grange. Audited the books.

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Wednesday, January 23, 1952
23rd Day—343 Days to Follow

Colder, snowy. Did the ironing and washing I took care of stock cleaned the stables because Richard has a lesson and our council has a covered dish dinner at Lowes. Took Lemon Cake Pie and macaroni & cheese.